Saturday, May 1, 2010

"60 Minutes" is not nearly enough "Time".....

Two amazing and glorious things have come to pass in the Coco Nation this week. First, word that Conan, media gag finally lifted, will be allowed to share some of his (albeit watered-down) feelings on the CBS news magazine "60 Minutes" tomorrow evening. The same day that this news dawned, we were also greeted with previews of the Time "100 most Intriguing" edition, in which our beloved Mr. O'Brien is not only featured, but is showcased on the fold-out cover. Good news for those of us who spent many a late night voting in the Time poll over and over and over..... Hey, I have a life! I just choose not to strain myself with too much activity....(I have an extremely fragile constitution...*cough*)

In the matter of the Time article, I take pause to wonder: If this whole NBC fiasco had not taken place, would Conan have merited a place on the roster of candidates? Or would he have have continued to fly under the main-stream radar as he has for most of his career? I find it slightly ironic (or maybe more poetic) that it took being treated horribly in the cruel glare of the public eye for many to come to realize what a small band of us have known for years: Conan is awesome. He's one of the few celebrities actually worthy of being celebrated. And - he's simply funnier and smarter than anyone out there. In this regard, we owe NBC many thanks - "Freebird" indeed.

As for tomorrow night's "60 Minutes" report - there have already been lots of excerpts and even snippets of video released showing what will be discussed, so we have an idea of content. In basic terms, Conan will intelligently and eloquently try and set the record straight without staying too far into that legal gray area which NBC has enveloped around him like a straight jacket.... What we won't see is bellyaching, finger-pointing, accusations that he was "sucker punched" or "screwed." The feeling is that Conan has moved on, moved forward, made the absolute best of a really crappy situation.... He is smart enough to assess the circumstances for what is were and are, and has grown accordingly. In essence, he recognized where he wasn't wanted and so he left with his dignity intact. (Where was he when I was 24 and writing all those "why don't you love me?" letters to the guy who probably now still refers to me as "that psycho girl?") Does that mean he has no hard feelings? Of course not. A person can't be shat upon in such an unfair and public way and not have residual feelings of anger. But, like any mature adult who is now headlining the most kick-ass North American comedy and music tour EVER and has already signed on to host another BETTER show in the fall, he has moved on. Do you hear that Guy Who Didn't Love Me When I Was 24?? People CAN move on. And to you and NBC I have this one mature parting comment - Your loss. (Okay, one more mature parting comment - you Slimy Suck Weasel!)

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