Monday, February 22, 2010

On the road again....for the first time!

The latest excited buzz coming from Coco Land is that Conan has decided to take his show on the road with live concert dates around the country, and possibly the globe! This news makes so much sense it is almost too good to be true.... As the host of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien", Conan took his show to points all over various maps - both foreign (Finland, Canada) and domestic (Chicago, San Francisco) He also had lots of "remotes" from a multitude of events spanning every level of Pop Culture. Conan and his crew had a way of finding humor in some of the least funny places and situations... Nothing was ever off limits, too "boring" or too "main stream." If Conan went, it was hilarious. And worth watching.
So the idea of a whole tour of live shows is pretty much a dream come true for Conan fans who had once feared never again having the opportunity to see him perform, let alone having him deliver to our own back yards! (This is hyperbole, there is no confirmation that he will be doing back yards on his tour.) It is unclear exactly what venues will be included in this "dream tour" - some reports say only huge Madison-Square-Garden type places, other reports mention colleges.... All of the details are undoubtedly being hammered out as I type this....And this....and probably this.....Hopefully now they are done....
A tour! For those of us living in the glass half-full world, this is yet another sign that being forced out of the Tonight Show was the best thing that could have happened to Conan's career. I would imagine that every entertainer dreams of filling huge arenas with screaming, adoring fans. Seeing as how Conan has to start over with recurring characters and gags, traveling to new places should provide a multitude of inspirations....Some of which will undoubtedly find their way onto whatever show he ends up hosting in the future. This trek will also allow him to reach a whole new audience, those who may not be regular late-night viewers but enjoy a good live show. And Conan can showcase his other talents beside comedy- those who live under a rock in the Arctic you may not know he sings AND plays guitar.....Plus, if Conan is indeed wanting to woo affiliates for networks other than NBC, he would be right in the neighborhood of some of the largest markets out there! It's purt-near the perfect situation for someone wanting to stay atop the entertainment game, and market himself at the same time...
Of course, for this plan to succeed, Conan will have to work very hard. And it will be necessary to show some kindness along the way. All in all, this is bound to be an amazingly amazing chapter in entertainment history. And if you don't believe me, you are just being cynical....

1 comment:

  1. Please, please, please let these rumours be true. A Conan road show would be damn near orgasmic in awesomeness.
